

Are you interested in a career in public service, or wanting to advance your position working for governments or not-for-profits? 的n our nationally accredited and 奖-winning program is right for you! 



丹尼尔·弗鲁克(Danielle Fluck)是乔治亚州职业康复机构的预算和绩效官员



Master of Public Administration Program 在线博彩是一个将学术研究与行政实践联系起来的专业学位课程. 该课程是为那些现在在公共服务部门或正在寻求在政府或非营利机构工作的个人设计的. 的 MPA program is designed:

  1. to augment the skills and knowledge of those already in the public service;
  2. 提供专业的研究生学位课程,以满足日益增长的对许多额外技能的需求, knowledgeable public administrators;
  3. to encourage students to pursue careers in government by providing public administration education; and
  4. to equip superior students for 研究 and study at the doctoral level.





在线博彩MPA项目的使命是培养当前(在职)和未来(职前)的公共服务领导者,培养他们的道德行为和专业能力,促进从在线博彩的成就价值观延伸出来的公共服务价值观, 有爱心的, 协作, 多样性, 股本, 包容, 创新, 完整性, 可持续性, 和智慧. 该计划为学生提供知识和技能,通过教学促进公共利益, 研究, and service to the community.


  1. 专业能力
  2. Service to the public interest
  3. 多样性 in the faculty and student population
  4. 道德行为




  • Two letters of recommendation from former professors or from job supervisors.
  • 最少2个.5 cumulative grade average (GPA) equivalent on a 4.0规模
  • A personal 状态ment that describes your work experience, 职业目标, the reasons you have chosen this program, why you want to attend 在线博彩, and how the MPA program will help you achieve your goals.
  • 当前简历


在线博彩的MPA项目要求完成36个研究生课程学分. 没有社会科学预科的学生将被要求参加POLS 5200, Principles in Public Administration. A Core of 7 courses (21 hrs) is required of all MPA students.  All of the MPA courses are available online.



综合研究项目(3小时)在学位课程完成时进行.  学生将完成一篇分析公共管理政策或项目的研究论文.

在项目指导老师的批准下,每个学生在核心课程之外选择12个小时.  的 track courses can be taken from a variety of departments. Generally, electives should form a coherent whole.  Examples of track emphases include disaster planning, 管理, 医疗管理, 非营利组织管理, and other particular areas of public policy.  没有在公共部门工作或没有政府工作经验的学生将公共管理实习作为一门选修课程. 

该计划通过创新的课程来应对不断变化的公共服务环境, faculty scholarship and service, links to professional organizations, interaction with governmental agencies, and a commitment to 状态 of-the-art technology. 学生可以根据自己的工作时间和/或学习偏好选择面对面或在线课程.

如果学生每学期选修三门全日制课程,可以在两年内完成学位. 该计划和教师通过各种活动提供个人指导,以改善学生的学习经验和就业安置. 

公共管理实习是一门选修课程,如果没有全职工作,必须完成. 不同的地方, 区域, 政府和非营利部门的国家组织都为在线博彩的学生提供实习机会. 选修课程为政治学系或其他系开设的5000或6000级课程(其他系课程须经MPA主任批准). Elective 课程 are offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters.

该计划在公共行政和政策领域提供三个专业化机会:公共管理, Management of Nonprofit Organizations and Community Development, and Disaster/紧急 Management. 专业化不是必需的,但作为选修课程,为学生谁是感兴趣的焦点. 这些专门化也与研究生证书相关联(请参阅研究生证书网站了解更多详细信息)。.

MPA students can apply for assistantships, 奖学金, 旅游奖, and other financial aid to support their studies. 学费信息, 费用, 健康保险, and general financial aid is available via 在线博彩 Graduate Admissions.

研究生助学金:公民参与和公共服务部每学年在竞争的基础上向MPA学生颁发几个研究生助学金. 研究生助理(GAs)主要协助系里教师的教学和研究活动. GAs are provided a monthly stipend and a tuition waiver, but are responsible for paying 费用 and 健康保险. All GAs must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA and be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours during the fall or spring semester. 潜在的研究生应该联系MPA主任申请助教奖学金.

其他经济援助:公民参与和公共服务部通常在竞争的基础上为研究生发放奖学金和旅行奖. 这些机会定期公布,学生应该联系他们的指导老师和MPA主任了解更多信息. 也, 访问研究生院了解更多关于其他奖学金机会和联邦学生援助的信息.


Coordination with the Public Sector

MPA项目的教师通过建立MPA咨询委员会,表明了他们对项目实用性的持续关注. 的 MPA Advisory Board is composed of alumni, 联邦政府的从业人员, 状态, and local levels of government, 现在的学生. 委员会作为方案活动的咨询机构,包括:

  1. 课程开发;
  2. 项目改善;
  3. Liaison and networking for program graduates; and
  4. 职业发展.

Job placement and 职业服务

Our MPA graduates are working in diverse public professional positions, mostly in governments and nonprofit organizations. 例如, among a total of 17 graduates in the academic year 2017-2018, currently two are working in the 乔治亚州 状态 government, 三名在地方政府任职, six in nonprofit organizations, 私营部门有两家, 一个在服兵役, and three in doctoral programs. 该计划和学校为学生成功就业提供各种服务. For more career services, contact 职业服务 以及指导老师.

职业发展机会 in Public Administration

Government needs leaders, today more than ever.  道德, 有组织的, creative thinkers go far whether they’re a city planner, 县管理员, 国家局局长, 或者是美国的成员.S. 内阁.  如果你的目标是通过政府工作服务人类和公益事业, 那么在线博彩的NASPAA认证的公共管理硕士(MPA)学位就是为你准备的. 

What Can You Do With A 在线博彩 MPA? 

  • 管理分析师
  • Finance and Budget Manager
  • 公共关系主任
  • 人事
  • 办公室/部门经理
  • 城市经理
  • 城市规划师及总监
  • 志愿者服务经理
  • 研究员
  • Community Organization Director
  • Community Relations Advisor
  • 老师
  • Economic Development Director
  • Director of a Nonprofit Organization
  • 助理城市经理
  • 道德事务总监
  • 项目协调人
  • 政策分析
  • 县管理员
  • 格兰特的作家
  • Occupational safety coordinator
  • 政府关系
  • 说客
  • 立法工作人员
  • 信息专家
  • Correctional facility manager
  • 公园经理
  • 紧急 services administrator

For Students Seeking Jobs, 的se Resources Provide Great Opportunities:


  • 美国就业银行
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  • US Office of Personnel Management - USAJOBS
  • American Federal Jobs Digest
  • 政府职位一览表
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation jobs
  • U.S. 联邦机构
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


  • Foundation Center Online Job Center


朱利安•布朗 (class of 2015) became the 城市经理 in his hometown of Cairo, 乔治亚州, a city with a population of approximately 10,000 residents which borders Florida.

朱利安说过, “如果我没有从在线博彩的MPA项目毕业,这个机会是不可能的. 我已经运用了在公共预算和公共人事课程中所学到的知识和技能. I am very thankful for the faculty and staff at 在线博彩."



“的 MPA program at 在线博彩 has some of the BEST professors around. 的re is no way to choose just one favorite. 我可以这么说. 搜虎李 and his team really take pride in what they do and each student.”

-Shawnzia托马斯, 他是乔治亚州技术管理局的首席信息官和执行董事



研究生协调员: Dr. 搜虎李


电子邮件: slee@yogangel.com